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Summer Research Training Program

The Summer Research Training Program (SRTP) at Oklahoma State University’s (OSU) College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) offers 10 to 15 first- and second-year veterinary students the opportunity to gain hands-on summer research experience for 10 to 12-weeks in veterinary and biomedical sciences. Since 1995, the program has paired students with faculty mentors to conduct individual research projects, which are presented at OSU’s annual research day. Students also participate in weekly seminars on topics like ethics, experimental design, and data analysis, while engaging in professional development workshops covering alternate career paths in research, industry, academia, and other government agencies. In addition to conducting research, students attend the National Veterinary Scholars Symposium (NVSS) in Spokane, WA, where they present their work and network with peers and faculty from veterinary schools across North America. Past participants have found the program valuable for career development and academic growth.

Research Projects: Selected students work on projects in various fields, including infectious diseases, cancer biology, cardiovascular & respiratory physiology, disease epidemiology & bioinformatics, neurobiology & immunology, large and small animal medicine, toxicology & pharmacology, and exotic animal research.


Program Funding & Salary: The 2025 SRTP is funded by Boehringer Ingelheim and matching funds from OSU CVM, and other OSU departments/colleges. Each student receives a taxable salary of $541.67/week (totaling $6,500) for the 12-week program. Travel and accommodation for the NVSS meeting are also covered.


Objectives: The primary objectives of SRTP are to i) Enhance research skills in veterinary science and biomedical research and ii) Professional development through exposure to workshops and discussion of careers in veterinary research, academia, and industry.


Eligibility: First- and second-year DVM students in good academic standing.


Application information: The application portal opens on February 1, 2025, and closes on February 28, 2025.

    1. First- and second-year veterinary students in good academic standing from veterinary school within and outside the USA are encouraged to apply.
    2. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 at the time of application and must not be on academic probation.
    3. Applicants must agree to all expectations and conditions associated with the SRTP award. They must also commit to attending all scheduled events, presentations, and courses during the 10–12-week program.
    4. Previous SRTP award recipients are welcome to apply for a second year of funding.

    Application Deadline: February 28, 2025

    Preparation for SRTP application:

    1. Students are encouraged to attend the SRTP introduction/discussion meeting arranged during the 1st or 2nd week of January.
    2. Prior to submission of the application, each student is required to meet with at-least three faculty mentors with research programs that align with student interests.
    3. Students can also meet with previous cohorts of SRTP students to gather information related to previous SRTP experiences, lab environments, research projects, and mentor commitments.
    4. Review eligibility, student expectations, and other documents on the SRTP website to ensure that the students understand responsibilities and are committed to participating in SRTP.

    Application Submission:

    1. The application portal in the OSU SRTP website opens on the 1st of February. The application is a fillable document available on the OSU SRTP website.
    2. List potential mentors in order of your preference.
    3. Required documents:
      a) A curriculum vitae (education, work details, and research experience).
      b) A one-page ‘statement of purpose/essay’ describing motivation for your interest in summer research training participation (single spaced and font size of 11).
    4. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the application is complete and submitted by the February 28, 2025.
    The students who have decided to apply for the OSU SRTP are encouraged to reach out to potential mentors as early as possible since it may take more than one attempt to make contact. Here are a few steps to assist you in your search for the mentor that will best meet your needs.
    • Visit OSU SRTP mentor pages. You can search by research topic or mentor name alphabetically.
    • Read the mentor's research through OSU expert directory and the most recent publications in PubMed to see if mentors research area aligns with your research interests.
    • Make an appointment with at least three potential mentors and visit their labs or learn about their research program before making a decision.
    • Discuss potential projects with the mentors, training, and expectations for the summer.
    • Visit the OSU SRTP page and look for previous SRTP students that have worked in the labs of potential mentors. Reach out to them via email and ask about their experience.
    Mentor and research scholar matching: SRTP applicants are provided an opportunity to learn about mentors and their research programs (through mentor’s research projects on the SRTP website, PUBMED/Google Scholar). Students are required to meet with 3 potential mentors and discuss potential projects based on mutual research interests. International students are advised to meet potential mentors via Zoom or Microsoft teams. Students will list mentor names on the application in the order of preference/mutual interest following the meeting.


    Research scholar ranking and selection: Upon successful submission of the application, SRTP director and codirectors meet to discuss applications. Students will be ranked based on GPA (50%, average of undergraduate and current DVM GPA) and a personal research statement/essay (50%). Top ranked student will be matched with 1st preference mentor. If more than 1 student prefer a mentor, then next ranked student will be matched with 2nd preference mentor. Students and mentors are notified of the selection and match at-least one month ahead of the program start date.
    Table 2 General Schedule Presenters/Participants(Tentative)
    05/19/2025(9AM-11AM) Orientation:SRTP committee (McElroy Hall 101)  SRTP committee/OSU Faculty
    05/27/2025(3:00PM to 5:00 PM) Experimental Designs and Analysis (McElroy Hall 115- Alumni Conference Room)  Dr. Channappanavar
    06/03/2025(3:00PM to 5:00 PM) Research Ethics/Responsible Conduct of Research Dr. Malayer/Dr. Lovern
    06/10/2025(3:00PM to 5:00 PM) Abstract and Poster Presentation Dr. Butcher
    06/17/2025(3:00PM to 5:00 PM) Tips for writing scientific articles Dr. Rudd
    06/24/2025(3:00PM to 5:00 PM) Student Presentations:Introductions and Methods Student presentation Practice
    07/01/2025(3:00PM to 5:00 PM) Panel discussion: Careers in Academia Vs Industry Vs Management Experts in Industry, Academic & Management
    07/08/2025(3:00PM to 5:00 PM) Panel discussion: Public Health and Animal Disease Diagnostic Labs Experts from public health & diagnostic labs
    07/15/2025(3:00PM to 5:00 PM) Panel discussion: Lab animal/ Pathology/Parasitology/Microbiology residency & certifications Dr. Ford, Dr. Duncan, Dr. Rudd
    07/22/2025(3:00PM to 5:00 PM) Panel discussion: Internship and residency (including exotic animal) Various House Officers & Dr. Brandao
    07/29/2025(3:00PM to 5:00 PM) Student Research Presentations Student Practice
    08/01/2025(9AM to 11AM) OSU Poster Day (140 RJP)  CVM & OSU research community 
    08/07/2025-08/09/2025 National Veterinary Scholars Symposium! (Spokane, WA) TBD

    Please review the list of SRTP mentors here


    The students accepted and enrolled in the SRTP agree to the following conditions.

    1. Salary and NVSS travel support: Student accepted into the SRTP agree to receive a total amount of $6500 in salary ($541.67 per week for 12 weeks). Airfare, hotel accommodation, and registration fee to attend NVSS in Spokane (WA) will be separately arranged/provided by CVM.
    2. Full-Time Commitment: SRTP students are required to dedicate full-time effort to their project for the entire award period. Students cannot engage in any other activities—volunteer or paid—that may conflict with or interfere with their ability to participate fully in their summer research activities.
    3. Research Duration: Students are expected to conduct research full-time for 10–12 weeks from May 19 to August 9, 2025. Any absence must be discussed with the SRTP director/co-director and faculty mentor. Absences due to illness or family emergencies will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
    4. Weekly work hours: Students are expected to dedicate 40 hours/week to project-related activities. Occasionally, some projects may require commitment outside the regular work hours or on weekends. Students are encouraged to remain flexible to ensure successful completion of the project. Any additional work assignments are based on mentor and student mutual understanding.
    5. Mandatory Attendance: Participation in weekly workshops, poster presentations, and the National Veterinary Scholars Symposium (NVSS) in Spokane (WA) is mandatory.
    6. Exclusive Funding: If a student receives SRTP funding and funding from another source for the same or another summer project, they must choose between the SRTP award and the other funding source. Students cannot accept SRTP funding if they have already received funding for the summer from another source.
    7. NVSS Participation and Poster Presentation: All students must present their project outline and complete a poster to be presented at the OSU SRTP Poster Day, held during the first week of August (August 1, 2025). It is mandatory for students to attend NVSS held in Spokane (WA) from August 7th to 9th, 2025. Students are expected to present their poster during NVSS meeting.
    8. Acknowledgment of Funding: SRTP funding support must be acknowledged in any publications resulting from the research project. Students should be aware that individual funding sources supporting the SRTP may have additional requirements for presenting research findings (e.g., poster presentations, oral presentations, attendance at national conferences, etc.). All SRTP posters, presentations, and subsequent publications must recognize the OSU SRTP and funding source. For example, funding acknowledgment should state: “Funding was provided by the Summer Research Training Program funds through Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine.”

    We know this program would not be possible without the fantastic mentors that allow our DVM students to be a part of their research program this summer. We are truly grateful for your support! Below is a timeline and some general expectations for our mentors.


    Mentor Expectations:

    1. Interview Process: SRTP is open to all veterinary students—both international and national—mentors may receive requests from around the globe. Mentors are not obligated to interview or accept a student if they are not comfortable doing so. It is ok to request a resume or information about prior lab experience before the interview. If you feel a student would not be a good fit for your research program, there are no further obligations. Mentors are encouraged to discuss potential projects and clearly communicate their expectations during the interview.
    2. Matching and Agreement: Once the application and selection process is complete, faculty mentors and students will be notified of their match. Both mentors and students will need to acknowledge the student’s placement in the lab for the summer program.
    3. Prior training expectations: Given that SRTP students may have varying levels of research experience—some with no prior lab exposure—mentors should assume a zero-baseline skillset and provide all necessary training to carry out the proposed project.
    4. Required Compliance Approvals: Mentors must complete all necessary IRB, IBC, or IACUC paperwork before the start of the summer program. This ensures that students can begin training and research work immediately upon joining the lab, maximizing productivity. The SRTP 2025 runs from 19th May to 9th August (including one-week break mutually acceptable to both mentor and student).
    5. Funding and Supplies: The SRTP provides only the student’s salary. Mentors should ensure that they have sufficient funds for necessary supplies and reagents for the summer project.
    6. Defined Project: Mentors are expected to design a well-defined hypothesis-driven project that can be completed within 10-weeks. Project should aim to generate data suitable for presentation at both the OSU SRTP Poster Day (August 1, 2025) and the National Veterinary Scholars Symposium in Spokane, WA (August 7–9, 2025). We recommend planning a project that can generate data within 10 weeks, leaving the final two weeks for preparation for OSU Poster Day and the NVSS conference.
    7. Work hours: Mentors can expect full-time student participation in summer research during regular work hours of weekdays (typically 35–40 hrs/week). If research requires occasional late hours or weekend participation (which it often does), please feel free to communicate with students in advance.
    8. Active Mentorship: Mentors are expected to actively engage in mentoring, student training, and research activities. While it is acceptable for graduate students or other lab members to train students on research techniques and projects activities, the mentors should aim to be available for a substantial portion of the summer. While we understand that summer is often a quieter time for academicians, we ask that faculty mentors remain present for most of the program.
    9. Additional Activities: Students are required to attend a weekly seminar. Mentors are also welcome to participate in informal events, such as the kick-off BBQ or lab tours. These events are not only enjoyable but also provide opportunities to meet new colleagues and potential collaborators.
    10. Post-summer elective research: If the project requires additional time for completion and student and mentor is willing to continue, mentor can ask student to enroll in DVM research elective course (3-6 hrs per week, IOR: Dr. Jerry Malayer) to continue working on the project after the SRTP.

    Have Fun This Summer! We hope this program is as rewarding for you as it is for our students. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the SRTP committee via email or phone.

    AVMA/AVMF 2nd Opportunity Summer Research Stipend

    Applications Open:

    Early Fall

    Application close:

    Late Fall

    Award Notification:

    End of the fall or early Spring

    2025 FFAR Veterinary Student Research Fellowship


    Application Period Open:
    January 15, 2025, at noon EST

    Applications Due:
    February 26, 2025, at 5:00 pm EST

    Award Notification:
    April 21, 2025

    Project Timeline:
    Summer 2025 – August 2026


    Application Open:              


    Application Deadline:        

    late Jan/ early Feb

    Award Notification:            



    Application Open:              


    Application Deadline:        


    Award Notification:            



    Application Open:                 


    Application Deadline:           

    Early February

    Award Notification:               

    End of February



    Application Open:                

    Mid November

    Application Deadline:          

    Early January



    Award Notification:             



    Application Deadline:        

    January 31st 2025


    Application Open:              


    Application Deadline:        

    Late Nov/early Dec

    Award Notification:            

    Early Spring


    Note: Please visit websites and contact program directors to check if you are eligible to apply to summer research program at other veterinary colleges.



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Other opportunities:

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