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Veterinary Medicine

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College of Veterinary Medicine

The College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) at Oklahoma State University is serving Oklahoma as the only college providing veterinary medicine education in the state.



Questions? Connect with our team

Hunter Hughes
Hunter Hughes

Senior Director of Development/Team Lead
(405) 385-5107


Areas of Impact

When you support the College of Veterinary Medicine, you help shape the future for Oklahoma State University. By contributing to the funds below, you make our future brighter orange! Information for mail in contributions can be found at the bottom of the page.

Vet Med Teaching Hospital Fund

The Veterinary Teaching Hospital provides clinical instruction to students while offering the finest veterinary care for patients while priding itself on training interns and residents to become highly skilled board-certified specialists. This fund provides students and clinicians with the most up to date equipment and resources to be successful in the industry.

Clinical Skills Lab

The Clinical Skills Program promotes the growth of clinical reasoning, communications and technical skills necessary for the development and training of students through the use of hands-on learning. Models and stimulators are used for instruction in areas such as nutrition, emergency and critical care services, exotic care, dentistry and professional care.

The CVM Ranch Enhancement Fund

The OSU College of Veterinary Medicine Ranch is an off-site extension of the OSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital specializing in equine and bovine breeding and reproduction services. The Ranch is equipped to handle all aspects of large animal reproduction, both routine breeding work and more advanced techniques while teaching students and conducting research.

INTERACT Program Fund 

The Institute for Translational and Emerging Research in Advanced Comparative Therapy leads the one-health mission of OSU by bringing together clinicians, scientists and researchers involved in fundamental discovery, industry and foundations under one roof. INTERACT, housed at CVM, conducts collaborative, cutting edge research and clinical trials in oncology, infectious diseases, parasitology, reproductive and emerging diseases of small and large animals.

Veterinary Medicine Fund for Excellence

This Operating Funds-General Purpose fund benefits programs through CVM.


Meet the interim dean

Jerry Ritchey, DVM, PhD, DACVP, is from Tulsa, Oklahoma and completed a B.S. in Microbiology (1987) and DVM (1991) from Oklahoma State University. Following veterinary school, he entered a residency in anatomic pathology at North Carolina State University and completed a PhD in Immunology (1997) investigating the affects of FIV immunosuppression on the pulmonary immune compartment.Ritchey joined the faculty at Oklahoma State in 1997 and currently serves as Department Head for Veterinary Pathobiology. He remains active in teaching veterinary and graduate students and rotates through necropsy and biopsy services as attending pathologist for the Oklahoma Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory. Ritchey also serves as the Director of the Immunopathology Core Program for the Oklahoma Center for Respiratory and Infectious Diseases. The Center provides immunology and pathology support for infectious disease research.

Mail-in Donations

To make a tax deductible donation via mail, make out a check to the OSU Foundation. Add the specific Fund name and ID number in the memo so we know where the proceeds should go.


Mail checks to:
OSU Foundation
PO Box 258818
Oklahoma City, OK 73125-9917


Thank you for your support!