Final Semester Checklist
- Step 1: Sign up to take the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE)
Deadline to register for the November/December testing window is August 1st. Instructions on completing the NAVLE process will be emailed to you in June shortly after beginning 4th year.
If you don't pass the first time, it will be offered again in April and the deadline to register will be February 1.
When applying for the NAVLE, you will indicate what state you plan to practice in.
- Step 2: Apply to Graduate
Diploma applications open in January. You MUST apply for graduation by the deadline.
- Step 3: Apply for State Licensure
Oklahoma state licensure deadline is January 31.
Apply for an Oklahoma licenseEven if you have not yet passed the NAVLE, you should still apply for state licensure.
If you are applying for licensure in a state other than Oklahoma or Texas, you will need to request a verification of education letter.
- Step 4: Prepare for Commencement
- Step 5: Apply for diploma name preference change
If you need a name change for your diploma, apply for this by April 3.
- Step 6: Take the Oklahoma Licensure Exam
Once you've applied for state licensure, the Oklahoma Licensure Exam will be offered on the CVM campus on the third Monday of April.
- Step 7: Complete AVMA and Reader Card/New Graduate Information Surveys
The AVMA survey will be emailed to you directly.
- Step 8: Join CVM Alumni Association
Frequently Asked Questions
- Do I need a verification of education letter?
If you are applying for licensure in Oklahoma or Texas, you do NOT need this letter.
All other states require this letter.
- How do I fill out the verification of education form?
1. Be sure to select "Boards" under the "purpose of letter" tab.
2. If a state has a separate application and our signature and seal are required, upload the document at the bottom of the request form. Our office will provide the necessary authentication for your letter.
*most applications do not require notarization when the college seal and signature of the Associate Dean are provided. However, if the state's application does require a stamp of notary, you must wait to sign your application until you are physically in front of a notary.
3. Please fill out this application as much as possible before uploading it.
If you have any questions, contact Melissa Willis at
- If I'm applying for licensure in Texas or Oklahoma, how do I verify my education?
You do NOT need to submit the verification of education letter. It has already been submitted for you. You do not need to fill out the education verification page in the application. Even though the form requests a stamp of notary or the dean's signature, you can submit your application with this page left blank.
- Can I apply for state licensure without passing the NAVLE in the fall?
Yes, you should still apply for licensure. You will have another opportunity to take the NAVLE in April prior to graduation. The deadline to register for the spring NAVLE is February 1.
- How do I receive my diploma?
OSU graduates now receive digital diplomas in addition to paper diplomas. Paper diplomas are typically mailed within two to three weeks after the digital diploma is available.
- How can I get a copy of my transcript?
Final transcripts can be ordered through the Registrar's ordering site.
- If I'm graduating in the summer, when do I get my diploma?Once all summer rotations and grades have been recorded, you can request a verification of education letter stating all requirements have been completed. Final transcript and diploma will be available after the summer term ends.