Krull-Ewing Laboratory
Research focuses on the natural history and transmission dynamics of vector-borne disease agents with a goal of elucidating the mechanisms that conspire to spread pathogens between reservoir hosts and arthropod vectors. The lab concentrates on tick- and mosquito-borne disease systems important for canine and human health and leads national and international efforts to understand geographic shifts in the distribution of vector-borne infections and other veterinary parasites using big data. Projects are ongoing in a variety of areas, including:
- National and regional studies mapping the risk of ticks and tick-borne infections in North America
- Big data analyses to understand trends in canine intestinal parasites and vector-borne infections
- Genotypic diversity of Ixodes spp., Dermacentor spp., and Rhipicephalus spp. across the United States
- Heartworm disease transmission risk and development of improved diagnostic tests for identifying infection in dogs, cats, and mosquitoes