Examples of Learning Outcomes from Previous Sessions
One Health Session, Dr. Jennifer Rudd:
At the end of this session, the attendee should be able to:
- Explain the critical role of a veterinarian in One Health research worldwide (One health is defined as an integrated, unifying approach to balance and optimize the health of people, animals and the environment)
- Discuss at least three diverse areas of research in which OSU CVM is currently involved
- Describe research in context of basis for development of therapeutics or preventive healthcare. For example:
- Discovery of mechanisms or targets at a basic science in vitro (cellular) level
- Application of discovery research through in vivo (animal) models
- Safety and efficacy studies through clinical trials
- Continued research to develop best practices after approval
- Advocate for experts in veterinary medicine to be involved in research-based policy decisions
The Iliopsoas Muscle, Dr. Sypniewski:
- Describe the anatomy and function of the iliopsoas muscle
- Identify iliopsoas muscle injury via history and physical examination
- Identify common risk factors for this injury
- Describe diagnostic tests to evaluate this muscle and common injury sites
- Explain common diagnostic tests to evaluate the muscle and associated injuries
- Describe treatment interventions to improve recovery and return to function.
Setting Boundaries, Wendy Hauser:
- Attendees will learn what professional and personal boundaries are, from a personal perspective.
- Attendees will examine the role of professional self-identity in setting effective personal and professional boundaries.
- Attendees will leave with tools that they can use to set boundaries within their organizations,
with their teams, and with themselves.
Adaption-Innovation Theory, Dr. Cline:
Following this presentation students will be able to:
1) describe adaption-innovation theory;
2) identify how differing problem-solving styles prefer to work; and
3) apply adaption-innovation theory to veterinary practice to improve problem-solving.