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Veterinary Medicine

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DVM Program Requirements


  • Applicants must be within two semesters of completing all pre-veterinary course requirements (by June 1 following application) and must have a grade point average in the required courses of at least 2.80.
  • Cumulative/overall GPA must be at least a 3.0.
  • Prerequisite coursework must be earned from an accredited institution and denoted by a letter grade (e.g. A, B, C). P/F format is only acceptable for a required course during the Spring of 2020 semester due to extenuating pandemic conditions. Credit earned through advanced placement is acceptable, although it is not used in the computation of the grade point average.
  • A grade below "C" in a required course is unacceptable and must be repeated. A "C-" is considered below a "C".
  • If the applicant retakes a course, the hours and grade points of the repeated course will be averaged to those of the original course in calculating the required course GPA.
  • All courses taken for the purpose of substitution must be completed by the end the fall term in which application is made.
  • Math and science based courses must have been completed within eight years of the fall semester in which application is made. To remove math or science coursework that is older than eight years from your cumulative GPA, submit in writing a formal request to
  • Upper level science courses must be taken at a four-year institution to be valid. This includes Animal Nutrition, Biochemistry, Genetics, and Organic Chemistry I & II.


  • The OSU CVM will not, under any circumstance, process an application if it has not been verified through VMCAS. We adhere to all VMCAS deadlines. 


Deadlines and Reminders

  • All transcripts must be sent to VMCAS by September 15. The Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine will not accept transcripts after the deadline.  
  • The VMCAS Application is due by September 15. All aspects of the application are processed through VMCAS, which includes the VMCAS application, VMCAS application fee, evaluations, and transcripts. All applicants are highly encouraged to submit their applications by September 1
  • Visit the application page to access the OSU CVM Application Processing Fee. Be sure to complete it by the September 15 deadline. This fee is non-refundable. If you feel you may have paid twice or question if the payment was successful, contact the CVM Student Services Office at
  • Fall transcripts are due to CVM by January 15.
  • Make sure to complete all prerequisite courses by June 1. Planned courses can be indicated in the VMCAS application so specify (as best as you can) which semesters they are planned for.

Required Pre-Vet Courses

Field of Study (OSU Courses) Minimum Credit Hours

Animal Nutrition+*

  • Available online at OSU
  • (ANSI 3543)
  • Lab not required
  • (BIOC 3653)

Biological Science with Lab

  • General Biology and Animal Biology
  • (BIOL 1113 & 1111 or BIOL 1114)
  • (BIOL 1604, ANSI 3414, or, BIOL 3204)

Chemistry I & II with Lab

  • (CHEM 1314 & 1515)

English Composition I, English Composition II and English Elective

  • (ENGL 1113 & 1213 & English elective: may include speech, literature, communications or  technical writing)


  • (ANSI 3423 or BIOL 3023)

Humanities/Social Sciences

  • May include courses in English, Literature, Speech, Music, Art, Philosophy, Religion, Language, History, Economics, Anthropology, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, & Geography.

Microbiology with Lab

  • (MICR 2123 & MICR 2132)
4 or 5

Organic Chemistry I & II with Lab+

  • Must include aliphatic & aromatic compounds.
  • (CHEM 3053, 3153 & 3112 or CHEM 3015 or CHEM 3013 & 3012)
  • The survey course is the only acceptable 5 credit hour course and must include the lab.
5 or 8

Physics I & II with Lab

  • (PHYS 1114 & PHYS 1214)


  • (STAT 2013)
Total Credit Hours 64

+All upper level courses must be taken at a four-year institution. This includes animal nutrition, biochemistry, genetics, and organic chemistry. These courses may not be taken at a two-year or community college.


*Human, plant, and species specific nutrition courses will NOT satisfy the animal nutrition requirement. Acceptable animal nutrition courses should cover ruminant digestion, absorption, and metabolism. Feeds and feeding courses are not accepted. 


** Animal Breeding and livestock improvement courses will NOT meet the genetics requirement.